Minimally Invasive (Laparoscopic) Surgery
Minimal access surgery today has become the gold standard for treatment of many abdominal problems.
Laparoscopy is a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure and the advantages include: fast recovery, less post-operative pain, minimal and cosmetic incision, less blood loss, minimum post-surgical stay in the hospital and easy return to daily routine.
We offer basic and advanced laparoscopic procedure for most of the surgeries involving GI tract.
Basic Laparoscopic Procedures
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (For gall bladder stones)
- SILS (Single incision laparoscopic surgery)
- Laparoscopic Appendectomy (SILS).
- Laparoscopic Hernia Repair
- MIPH (Minimally invasive procedure for piles i.e. stapled Haemorrhoidectomy).
Advanced Laparoscopic Procedures
- Laparoscopic & Endoscopic management of Common bile duct stones
- Laparoscopy for Achalasia cardia
- Laparoscopy for Hiatus hernia
- Laparoscopy for Pseudo-pancreatic cysts
- Laparoscopy for Hydatid cyst and Liver cysts
- Laparoscopy for Gastric cancer
- Laparoscopy for Benign and Malignant conditions of the Oesophagus.
- Laparoscopy for Benign and Malignant Condition of small and large intestine
- Laparoscopic Right/ Left Hemicolectomy